January 15, 2025
Yearbook Orders-You can now order your yearbook! Please click here to do so. The final day to order will be March 4th.
Dental Clinic-Unity West will be hosting a dental clinic in the near future. This clinic is available for all students in grades K-5. The state of Illinois requires all students in Kindergarten and Second grade to turn in a dental exam form by May 15th. The school dental clinic will fulfil this requirement. If you are interested in the dental clinic, please fill out this form and return to Nurse Gateley.
Girls on the Run for Girls in grades 3-5 is back at Unity West! Our Season will start February 3rd and go until April 25th. The 5k Celebration will happen with the Christie Clinic Illinois Marathon. Unity West Practices will be held on Monday and Wednesday's from 3:00-4:15. Coaches this year are Carissa Elam, Kathy Coleman, and Amy Cross. Spots are limited, registration is open through January 26th.
What is Girls on the Run? It is a goal setting group that's a fun time for ladies to build friendship and self-confidence and is meant for every girl no matter their capabilities! Girls on the Run strives to be a Unified program including Girls of all abilities. The girls work on a community service project each year that is led by the girls themselves! Snacks are provided at each practice. Girls can walk, run, dance, skip, hop their way to setting goals and accomplishing a 5k! Scholarships ARE available. For more information on scholarships: contact Robin Maier at robin.maier@girlsontherun.org.
To register your Girl on the Run click here. If you would like to be a volunteer please contact Amy Cross at crossa@unity.k12.il.us, Kathy Coleman at colemank@unity.k12.il.us, or Carissa Elam at elamc@unity.k12.il.us.
Morning Drop-Off - We wanted to remind families that students should not be dropped off before 7:40 am when the building opens. The weather is starting to turn colder, so please make sure your student is dressed appropriately for outside activities.
Unity West Spring book fair is coming February 10-15th. Help us stock our classrooms with new books! Please sign up to volunteer using the following link.
T-Shirt Sponsors -The Unity West PTO is seeking sponsors for our schoolwide t-shirt. Every year, there is a t-shirt design contest among the students. The winning design is then put on a t-shirt for all students and staff to receive for free. The sponsorships allow us to provide the shirts. If you need more information or would like to sponsor, click here.
PTO meeting - The next PTO meeting is on February 11, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. in the Unity West library.
Mark Your Calendars!
February 4 – Unity West Night at Unity High School Boys Basketball
Early February – Glow Bingo Tickets go on sale
February 10-15 – Unity West Spring Book Fair
February 11 – PTO Meeting 6:30 p.m. West Library
February 13 - Parent-Teacher Conferences 3 pm - 9:30 pm
February 16 - Unity West Skate Night, 6-8 p.m. Watch for Sign-ups to come home soon.
March 4 – DATE CHANGE – PTO Meeting 6:30 p.m. West Library
March 29 – Glow Bingo
Counselor Corner - Please read the January Counselor Corner by Mrs. Cross.
Absences and Tardies - If you drop your student off after 8:15, it is important that you come into the school and sign your student in. If your student will be absent, please call the school office by 9 am. The phone number is 217-485-3918. If you email your student’s teacher about the absence, please include Mrs. Payne (paynet@unity.k12.il.us).
After School Changes-If you have an after-school transportation change for your student, please call the school office by 2 pm. The phone number is 217-485-3918. If you plan on having your student ride a bus that they usually do not ride, please contact the bus garage as well at 217-689-2744.
Unity Youth Volleyball - It’s that time of year again for another great season of Unity Rockets Youth Volleyball! The clinic will be held at the Unity West Gymnasium and is open to anybody in the Unity school district from 4th through 6th grade. We will focus on learning a new skill and practicing fundamentals at each practice. Kneepads are not required but are highly recommended. Practice dates and times are listed below:
Saturday, January 25 (10:00-11:30)
Saturday, February 1 (10:00 - 11:30)
(There is NO practice on February 8th)
Saturday, February 15 (11:00-12:30)
Saturday, February 22 (11:00-12:30)
Saturday, March 1 (11:00-12:30)
The cost is $40 per camper, which would cover the liability insurance required by the district, program T-shirts, and equipment fees (some new volleyballs, etc.). If you are interested in your child being a part of this exciting clinic, please click on the link below to fill out the registration form.
If you have any questions, please email me at: UnityYouthVolleyball@gmail.com.
If you are interested in joining, please let me know by Friday, January 17th.
The mission of the youth volleyball program is to introduce the game of volleyball and to develop the unique skills needed to play the game. At this time, all age groups will use skills-based practices with repetition to create good habits and build a solid foundation.
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest-Te Knights of Columbus will host a free throw contest in Philo on February 16th. Please click here for more information.
We Support Rocket Nation- We encourage everyone to support our Rocket commUnity. Click here to view a calendar of events. When you go to the page, select “Calendar View” on the right side.